Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Little Update and a Big THANK YOU

A little update on where we are in the adoption process. We are down to 2 steps. Our Article 5 was picked up on the 8th (this is the Visa process for Emma to enter into the US). We are now officially waiting for travel approval (TA) from the Chi*ese government. This normally takes 2-3 weeks (we are hoping for 2!). After that, we will get our Consulate Appointment (CA). This normally happens quickly. Currently, the US Embassy in Guangzhou is shut down because of a suspicious white powder. There are between 70-100 families in Chi*a right now who have been stuck there. You cannot leave until you have your appointment and get the appropriate paperwork the next day. I feel so bad for those families. Pray that the embassy opens back up and that these families can go home.

Now for the BIG thank you. I do not have the words to truly express my gratitude, but I will try. I did not want to have to fundraise for this adoption. I didn't want to bother or annoy people and really felt that God would provide. Then, my business had a dismal couple of months, and it became clear that we were going to have to ask for help. We have an orphanage donation along with government fees to pay, not to mention the travel expenses. I had to swallow my pride and ask for help. I am so glad that I did. I can never express what the tremendous outpouring of support means to us. You guys had me in tears so many times. I feel that everyone is already welcoming and embracing Emma Grace. Everyone of you who donated, helped with the garage sale, or prayed for us is helping to bring Emma home. We have the most amazing group of friends, church family, family, neighborhood, and community. The garage sale was huge and very successful. With the garage sale and iPad mini fundraiser, we were hoping to have enough to cover 1/4 of the orphanage donation, and that felt like a stretch. Instead, we made enough to cover 3/4 of the orphanage donation!!!!!! I am still so blown away by this. God did provide monetarily, and He also blessed my spirit. Seriously, thank you all so very much. You are all a part of Emma Grace's family. We love you guys.

This is our house the first day of the sale.

We overflowed into a neighbor's yard.

Nate manning the snack stand.

- Jenna

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