Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 11 - Part 2

Ninja swords may have been purchased.

I really wanted a chop made of Emma's Chinese name. This is the main reason I wanted to go to Shaiman Island. In this picture, he is carving her name. We can then put ink on it and stamp her name. This is called a chop. We want her to be able to see her Chinese name written out, so we got a few things with it on it.

This man is an amazing artist. He makes these beautiful black and white pictures only using his hands to make it. He was demonstrating it here.

Here is the picture we bought. It is even more amazing to see up close.

Another picture of his that we bought. Sorry it is sideways. I don't know how to rotate it in this app.

Emma's first encounter with a cat. We were very curious about how she would react. She seems to like both dogs and cats. Hopefully she will like our pets.

A banner with Emma's Chinese name and place of birth.

She did not know what to make of these statues. A mannequin we saw the next day also confused her.

There happened to be a great shoe shop on the island. Emma does like shoe shopping.

Mark at first said, "No way! She does not need that many shoes." The shop owner and I worked together, and Emma came home with all these shoes ;-)

FYI, each pair of shoes was under $10. I can't buy shoes at Target for that cheap.

Look at the sign over the shoe store. It certainly was Emma's place.

I have too many pictures from this day and will need to do a part 3.

- Jenna

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