Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 12

I forgot to post some other things about day 11. Jet lag is seriously affecting my brain. Emma went swimming for the first time. She loved standing in and splashing the water. She loved having her brothers around. She did not like it when her feet were not on the ground. Since she was supposed to be potty trained, I didn't pack any swim diapers, so I had her in a diaper. That was lovely. She had a ball, and I learned some things. Emma does not have a lot of fear. We will need to watch her very closely around pools. Several times I had to stop her from walking right into the deep end. Swimsuits are not true to size. The 2T I bought for her was WAY too small. It is a two-piece but is supposed to be full coverage. It looked more like a bikini on her. I guess I need to buy a 3T? After swimming, Nate and Mark stayed at the hotel while the rest of us went searching for a restaurant that we had heard about. We couldn't find it and that made Chase really happy. He had been wanting to go to an Italian restaurant, so he got his wish. It wasn't bad. We brought Mark and Nate some spaghetti. Even though Emma had already eaten, she started eating spaghetti with Nate. She would even pull the noodles out of his mouth.

Day 12 (from getting Emma) was our last full day in China. We were scheduled to pick up Emma's visa from our guide at 5:30 that afternoon! That was our last bit of adoption business in China. We couldn't wait to have that sealed (we are not allowed to open) envelope. We wanted to enjoy our last day in China. Unfortunately, Mark was sick and was not up to getting out. Cade and Nate were content to stay in the hotel. Chase, Dylan, Emma, and I decided to venture back out for some shopping. With the help of Google, we looked up the shopping area that we had gone to before. We couldn't remember what subway stop to take, but Google gave us a good idea. We were successful and had a very enjoyable time. This time, Emma did fantastic! We only bought a few things, it was more about getting out in the city. Chase did get a small remote controlled car that he had been obsessed about. The boy is crazy about cars right now. I also got Emma an umbrella. The girl has a serious love of umbrellas.

Dylan in the hotel lobby.

Anybody want some bamboo juice to drink? I can't imagine that bamboo juice is tasty.

Need some undies for your iPhone?

Chase has introduced her to Starbucks. That is bad, bad, bad.

We got in trouble for taking this picture.

Emma napping. She wanted to be held and went right to sleep. Melt my heart.

The boys have been a great help. Here they are transporting the sleeping princess up the stairs.

We headed out to another shopping area but didn't stay long. At that point we were tired and hot.

We found the Chinese people to be overall kind and courteous. On the subway, people would often insist that I have a seat since I had a young child.

Think I will pass on these.

It really cracked me how I would find Christmas decorations in the most random places. Of course, Hobby Lobby already has them out.

In the afternoon, we just hung out at the hotel and started packing. I tried to get a picture of Emma in her traditional clothes, but she was not in the mood. However, she was loving her umbrella.

Nate also got some traditional clothes. He loves them.

The visa packet was picked up successfully, and we were now ready to leave. We ate Chinese food for our last meal in China. I could've eaten it a lot more. Mark likes it. Emma is obviously a big fan. Surprisingly, Dylan ate it fine. The other boys are not fans, especially Chase. He was most looking forward to getting back to America for the food. These pictures are really bad, but I love how she was holding their hands, and I loved how badly Nate wanted to push her.

We were really dreading the long flights the next day, especially after how badly Emma did on her first flight. We were all ready to get home, even Emma.

Poor girl probably thinks we move every week.

- Jenna

Day 1 - Part 3

These are probably some of my favorite pictures ever, and I will be posting several of them. Emma is learning to smile for pictures. I will be posting some pictures later of her "cheese" face. I cannot express how happy it makes me to see her smiles. The longer we have her, the quicker and easier they come.

My favorite

Too bad Nate is looking less than thrilled. I may have to crop him out.

Ninjas on the subway

This is how Emma likes to ride the subway.

Snuggling up next to Cade. This is the first time she started giving me the "cheese" face. Cracks me up. Sometimes she gives this face AFTER the picture is taken.

And there it is again.

She has no problems with her imagination. She pretends to talk on the phone. She also pretends to take pictures with my cell phone. Do you think she has been photographed much?

It was another great day. We were left with one full day in China. We seriously loved our time in China, but we were all so ready to be home.

- Jenna

Day 11 - Part 2

Ninja swords may have been purchased.

I really wanted a chop made of Emma's Chinese name. This is the main reason I wanted to go to Shaiman Island. In this picture, he is carving her name. We can then put ink on it and stamp her name. This is called a chop. We want her to be able to see her Chinese name written out, so we got a few things with it on it.

This man is an amazing artist. He makes these beautiful black and white pictures only using his hands to make it. He was demonstrating it here.

Here is the picture we bought. It is even more amazing to see up close.

Another picture of his that we bought. Sorry it is sideways. I don't know how to rotate it in this app.

Emma's first encounter with a cat. We were very curious about how she would react. She seems to like both dogs and cats. Hopefully she will like our pets.

A banner with Emma's Chinese name and place of birth.

She did not know what to make of these statues. A mannequin we saw the next day also confused her.

There happened to be a great shoe shop on the island. Emma does like shoe shopping.

Mark at first said, "No way! She does not need that many shoes." The shop owner and I worked together, and Emma came home with all these shoes ;-)

FYI, each pair of shoes was under $10. I can't buy shoes at Target for that cheap.

Look at the sign over the shoe store. It certainly was Emma's place.

I have too many pictures from this day and will need to do a part 3.

- Jenna