Friday, June 14, 2013

A Great Day!!!

We are having an absolutely fantastic time in Beijing. Today we went to the Great Wall. We were able to go with another adoptive family, and we really enjoyed spending time with them.

We rode up on a cable car and came down on a toboggan slide. Nate was disappointed that he was too young to ride one by himself.

Chase was extra sweet to our new friends' son.

It was so beautiful and amazing. We then went to a factory where they make amazing copper wire artwork. I can't remember the name right now.

Next, we went to a tea house for a tea tasting. We all loved it and came home with a "pee pee boy" which is a little boy that squirts at you the water poured on him is hot. They gave us 4 since we have 4 boys. We have heard many times today how lucky we are because we have 4 boys. I even had a woman in the elevator count the boys and then she gave me a thumbs up.

Nate and Cade are having the hardest time with the time difference. They are still doing amazingly well. Here Nate is falling asleep with a smile on his face.

Beautiful jade sculpture at the tea house. We then went to eat Peking duck. We all enjoyed it. The pictures of that are on Mark's phone. We walked around Beijing for a while, and Mark ate scorpions. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. He really liked them. They are alive on the stick, then after you buy them they are fried. There are also seahorses, starfish, and squid available to eat.

We then walked back to our hotel. It was a lot further than we thought, and a couple of boys were melting fast. The boys are all in bed, and I will be also as soon as I finish this. Only one more day without Emma :-) Thank you for your prayers!!!!

- Jenna


  1. Jenna, we really enjoyed hanging out with you all today. I will see to it that you eat fried scorpion with me in Guangzhou. You must! Patrick really wants to eat Peking duck, but he just can't stay up late enough to make to a "real" dinner time. lol Looking forward to tomorrow!

  2. I know your not there to 'sight see' but I'm so happy your getting to experience some of the culture. That will only benefit Emma! Praying for all of you and can't wait to see a family pic with everyone!
