Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day Eight - Safari Park Part One

Today there was no adoption related business, so we went to the Safari Park with our group. Nate's asthma was still acting up, so we kept a close eye on him. We had a really wonderful day. Emma loved all the animals. I am about to post a bunch of pictures, so I will be breaking this up into several posts.

She's decided that Chase is okay again.

On the bus, not buckled and loving looking out. It really is strange to me that carseats are not used at all here. Emma cannot stand to be restrained or buckled. She is going to LOVE her carseat.

Please remember to be carefully slip.

And please don't flap the glass. Chase has taken a lot more pictures of translation funnies. There are plenty around :-)

Emma has made enormous progress with her attachment to Mark. Today she reached up for him to hold her. She has also started looking for him. She currently calls us both "mama". It is the sweetest word.

Emma went in a stroller for the first time. She did well with it until she decided that she was done. The boys fought over who would get to push her.

Nate pulled the asthma card in order to catch a ride ;-)

Emma had to push too.

These were my phone pictures. I will finish the Safari Park pictures tomorrow. It is midnight here, and I am tired.

- Jenna

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